Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

    hi, I tried it, the power LED lights up and when I press the power button it doesn't turn on, probably a hardware problem or it8987e is not programmed, it was also damaged
  2. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

  3. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

    Picture chip bios is bad not copy pch sr40b bad new soldering s aliexpress
  4. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

    Not working led blinking
  5. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

    Pch chip and bios chip damaged, the region must be cleaned
  6. F

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc

    Clean me bios hp pavilion 15-bc502nc